About Us
At UMCA, we PRAY always! Prayer is the foundation of everything we do as a faith community. We believe God has a vision for our church and pray together for that vision to be revealed and for us to be bold as we live into God’s vision. We pray with each other and for each other, sharing one another’s hopes and joys and sorrows and burdens. We pray for our church, that all who come to us will find welcome and rest and hope.
At UMCA, we GROW in faith! That starts with showing up. Our journey of getting to know God more fully and loving our neighbors more completely never ends. At UMCA, we expect our members to be ready to commit to their own faith journeys and to be open to growing together in faith!We strive to be a church where every person will have an opportunity to grow spiritually, to know what they believe, to be able to speak about their beliefs, and give voice to their questions.
At UMCA, we GIVE generously. We are part of something big – far bigger than ourselves. When we give to the church, we experience our small part in God’s very big mission. Giving invites us to trust God in meeting our personal needs and to love others with our resources as well as our emotions. Giving grows the kingdom of God, and giving glorifies God. All our gifts come together to provide hope and to make disciples for the transformation of the world.
At UMCA, we SERVE others in the name of Jesus. We serve in many ways including, but not limited to our signature United for the Community events and our Good Samaritan Fund. We are committed to rolling up our sleeves for hands-on ministry in our neighborhood, and we strive to be the place our neighbors come to find help with basic necessities, activities for their families, and transformational worship experiences.
At UMCA, we SHARE the story! We lovingly pass down our traditions and the deep historical roots of our faith, and we embrace innovation and change as open doors for the work of the Holy Spirit. Our mission statement at UMCA is about making new disciples, which means we need to be reaching new people with the good news of God’s amazing love! We do not wait for the world to come to us, we are the church in the world and we are bursting with love for Jesus and for our neighbors.
At UMCA, our lives are the stories of Jesus alive in the world!
Our MISSION is making new disciples of Jesus Christ
for the transformation of the world.
Our vision is providing hope to our community.
We believe that God’s love is for EVERYONE!
Rev. Karen Evenson
Lead Pastor for UMCA
UMCA is part of the Minnesota Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Our presiding bishop is Bishop Lanette Plambeck.
Click to learn more about Methodists in Minnesota or about our denomination!